Dharma Notes

Words of Wisdom

Application of the Antidote Versus Watching the Mind

☞ My general experience is the judging oneself does not counteract the affliction, and often leads to the “guilty chocolate” syndrome. What is necessary is a true repudiation of the affliction, a clean clear mind of renunciation.

Perhaps one more point: The “being patient” with afflictions, and not identifying them as the enemy, is identified in the treatises as one main cause for us having so many and strong afflictions. One reason why this point is so important is because after all the self-involvement, the guilt and shame etc., the individual finds that deep down they actually do not want to change the primary affliction at all.

All the guilt etc., is just a smoke screen thrown up by ignorance, and after the dust has settled, nothing changes, and ignorance wins once again.

Bodhisattva Maitreya on Dedication

8000 Line Wisdom Gone Beyond Sutra, Chapter 6: Perfect dedication (270 – 346)

The bodhisattva Jampa says to Subuti: “The mind that is the mind which dedicates perfectly, its suchness is this; the phenomena that are the phenomena which are dedicated perfectly, their suchness is this; the phenomena that are the phenomena for which one dedicates perfectly, their suchness is also this. If one dedicates perfectly in this way then it is a correct perfect dedication, it is not a wrong dedication, and a bodhisattva mahasattva should dedicate perfectly in this manner.”

This is advice to dedicate with mindfulness on the emptiness of the three circles.

Symptoms of Dharma Practice

Dharma practice means to look into ones mind.
If one has not yet experienced being truly worried by what one sees there,
One has not yet practiced the dharma.