Explaining the Mahamudra of the Path According to the Sutra System
They who have not realized this, grasp at true existence 3
And have been wandering in cyclic existence up to now.
The direct antidote to this is the wisdom
That explicitly realizes this selflessness.
There is no antidote apart from it. 4a
As it was mentioned above, although emptiness, the mode of abiding of mind, started to exist at the same time mind came into existence, the migrators who have not realised this, grasp at any object characterised by mind appearing to it, as truly existent. Motivated by this true grasping they accumulate karma and have wandered in cyclic existence up to now. The direct antidote to this is the wisdom that explicitly realises mind and all other phenomena to be lacking inherent existence, that realises them to be selfless.
Apart from this there is no antidote to the grasping at self.