Tag Archive for: Impermanence

Definition of the Week (48): produced (product)

Purbu Chock:
The definition of produced (product) is generated.

Produced is synonymous with impermanent phenomenon and compounded phenomenon.

The emphasis here is on the past tense. A compounded phenomenon only exists once it has been generated, when the process of generation and production lies in the past.
Only then can one say it has been produced, and at this time it is already in the process of disintegration, producing the next moment. In such a way generated phenomena are never at rest.

All impermanent phenomena are produced, like a mirage. Similarly, these aggregates are produced too.

Definition of the Week (46): Impermanence

Purbu Chock:
The definition of impermanence is momentariness.
It is synonymous with disintegration.

An impermanent phenomenon goes through the stages of generation, abiding and disintegration. The lower view asserts the step abiding in-between generation and disintegration.

That is the go-stop-go view, which is not possible. Upon generation there is no moment of rest, but the generated phenomenon is already disintegrating.
In such a way we are never at rest, but rather in a constant state of change.

The Buddha said that among recognitions, the recognition of impermanence leaves the deepest impression, similar to the foot step of the elephant being the deepest among the animals.