Definition (of the Week 16) – The Nature-Truth Body

Jetsün Chokyi Gyaltsen:

Definition of the nature-truth body: A final sphere endowed with the two purities.

The nature-truth body being the natural purity.
The nature-truth body being the adventitious purity.

The natural purity is the absence of inherent existence of the enlightened mind, and the adventitious purity is the abandonment of the two obscurations attained through the power of the antidote.

The emptiness of a mind with obscurations becomes the nature-truth body with the attainment of enlightenment, but it already possesses the natural purity of the absence of inherent existence. (Translated this means the sky is the limit)

Definition (of the Week 15) – Buddha Nature

Jetsün Chokyi Gyaltsen:

Definition of naturally abiding buddha nature:

“The emptiness of a mind with obscurations, and being suitable to transform into the nature truth body.

Naturally abiding lineage is like the unknown treasure hidden in the ground of the poor farmer’s court yard. Once the gods tell the farmer family about the treasure hidden in their ground, they can use it. Similarly, buddha nature is hidden in our mind, and once the buddhas have told us about it we can use it.”

Definition(s) of the Week (14) – Non-attachment – Non-hatred – Non-Ignorance

Based on Asagha’s Compendium of Knowledge:

Non-attachment is a consciousness endowed with renunciation that lacks attachment to samsara and samsaric perfections.

Non-hatred is a consciousness lacking the intent of harm towards sentient beings, sufferings and the sources of suffering. It has eliminated the generation of hatred.

Non-ignorance is a discerning understanding that arises from the practice of listening to the teachings, contemplating the meaning of what one has heard and meditating on the contemplated meaning. It can also arise through birth as the ripening of karma.

Yeshe Gyaltsen:
“Non-Attachment, Non-Hatred and Non-Ignorance
These three mental factors are the heart of the path to enlightenment as all grounds and paths are for the purpose of overcoming the three poisons of attachment, anger and ignorance.”

Whenever one generates a meditative state it should be accompanied by at least one of these three mental states.

Definition of the Week (13) – Truth of the Path

Jetsün Chokyi Gyaltsen:
“Truth of the Path: A truth characterised by possessing the aspects of path, suitability, accomplishment and definitely liberating, and belonging to the completely purified side.”

Gyaltsab Je:
Truth of the Path
One is mistaken with regards to the truth of the path by thinking that:
– a path to liberation is non-existent,
– thinking that meditation on selflessness isn’t suitable to be the path,
– holding certain meditative absorptions alone to be the path to liberation
– holding a path reversing suffering to be non-existent.

Understanding the four aspects of the noble truth of the path, which are path, suitable, accomplishment and definitely liberating, counteracts those misconceptions.

Take the subject wisdom directly realising selflessness

  • it is the aspect of path – because it is a path progressing towards liberation
  • it is the aspect of suitable – because it is the direct antidote against the afflictions
  • it is the aspect of accomplishment – because it is a transcendental wisdom directly realising minds final nature
  • it is the aspect of definitely liberating – because it is the antidote irreversibly eliminating the afflictions.


Definition of the Week (12) – Truth of Cessation

H.H. The Dalai Lama, Fribourg 2013:
“It is most important to investigate the third noble truth.”

Jetsün Chokyi Gyaltsen:
“Truth of Cessation: A truth characterised by possessing the aspects of cessation, peace, supreme and having definitely emerged, and belonging to the completely purified side.”

Gyaltsab Je:
“One is mistaken with regards to the truth of cessation by:
– grasping at liberation to be non-existent.
– grasping at certain contaminated dharmas to be liberation.
– grasping at certain sufferings to be supreme liberation.
– thinking that even though one can exhaust the sufferings, one could reverse from that state.

Understanding the four aspects of the truth of cessation, which are cessation, peace, supremacy and definite emergence, contacts those misconceptions.

Take the subject “complete freedom from suffering achieved through the power of the antidote”,
it is the aspect of cessation – because it is the freedom having abandoned suffering
it is peace – because it is the freedom having abandoned the afflictions
it is supreme – because it is liberation with benefit and bliss
it is the aspect of having definitely emerged – because it is irreversible liberation.

From the Stainless Continuum by Maitreya,
Because the completely enlightened bodies pervade,
Because of the indivisibility of suchness,
And because of the presence of lineage,
All embodied beings possess the tataghata essence.

It is good to contemplate that there is a state of complete freedom from suffering and obscurations, and to take refuge in it. This is one part of the resultant dharma refuge.

Definition of the Week (11) – Truth of Origin

Lama Tsong Khapa:
“Be contemplating the truth of suffering we generate the wish to be free from suffering, and by contemplating the truth of origin we generate the conviction that this is possible.

Jetsün Chokyi Gyaltsen:
“Truth of Origin: A truth  characterised by being cause, origin, intense generation and condition, and belonging to the completely afflicted side.

Gyaltsab Je:
“One is mistaken with regards to the truth of origin by grasping at sufferings to be without cause or to have a discordant cause. Regarding the latter there is the grasping at suffering being produced by only one cause, being produced by a creator the intention of whom preceded the result and grasping at suffering to be changeable adventitiously but being essentially permanent.

Understanding the four aspects of the truth of origin, which are cause, origin, intense generation and condition, counteracts this.
Take the subject “contaminated karma and craving”
it follows it is the aspect of cause – because it is the root of it’s resultant suffering
it is origin – because it generates it’s resultant suffering entirely again and again
it is intense generation – because generates it strongly
it is the aspect of condition – because it is the concurrently acting condition of it’s resultant suffering.

To overcome the misconceptions towards the origin of suffering is important because the idea that as a human being one will always basically be flawed is widely held.

Definition of the Week (10) – Truth of Suffering

“Suffering is to be known
The source to be abandoned
Cessation is to be attained
The path is to be practiced.”

Jetsün Chokyi Gyaltsen:
Truth of Suffering: A truth  characterised by being impermanent, misery, empty and selfless, and belonging to the completely afflicted side.

Gyaltsab Je:
We are mistaken with regards to the truth of suffering by grasping at purity, happiness, permanence and self. Understanding the four aspects of the truth of suffering, which are impermanence, suffering, empty and selfless, counteracts this.

Take the subject “suffering of suffering”,
it is impermanent – because it is generated adventitiously
it is misery – because it is powered by karma and afflictions
it is empty – because there is no separate controlling self
it is empty – because it is not established in the nature of an independent self.

Essentially, if it is generated under the control of karma and afflictions it is misery, and hence impermanent, empty and selfless, and therefore truth of suffering and to be abandoned. The key element seems to be misery.

Have a good week! (haha)

Definition of the Week (9) – Nirvana

Nirvana (Gone beyond suffering; transcendence of suffering; left suffering behind)

An analytical cessation that has completely abandoned the afflictive obscurations.

“Analytical cessation” because it is a cessation that is achieved through analysis of the four noble truths.

Nominal fourfold division of nirvana into:

  1. Nirvana with remainder: Def.: Hinayana nirvana with a remainder of suffering aggregates. E.g., nirvana of an arhat belonging to one of the three realms.
  2. Nirvana without remainder: Hinayana nirvana without a remainder of suffering aggregates. E.g., nirvana of an arhat belonging to one of the pure realms.
  3. Natural nirvana: Emptiness of all phenomena. “Natural” because all phenomena are naturally liberated from inherent existence.
  4. Non-abiding nirvana: Analytical cessation free from the two obscurations. Synonymous with the truth of cessation in the continuum of a buddha.

“Non-abiding” because of not abiding in the extremes of existence and peace. Non abiding in the two extremes, but always abiding in meditative equipoise on emptiness, even while walking, eating or drinking.

Definition of the Week (8) – Ultimate Truth

Ultimate Truth:
That which can only be cognized in a non-dual manner by the direct perception realizing it.

Ultimate truth and emptiness are synonymous.

Definition Key:
To be cognized in a non-dual manner: the perception is free from the three dualistic modes:

  1. The appearance of subject and object as different.
  2. The appearance of an illusory (nominal) phenomenon.
  3. The appearance of inherent existence.

On the level of sentient beings there is only one consciousness that fulfills these criteria, which is the non-dual transcendental wisdom directly realizing emptiness.

It is the only antidote against ignorance and samsara, and synonymous with  the truth of the path.

Definition of the Week (7) – Illusory (conventional) truth

Illusory (conventional) truth:
That which can only be cognized in a dualistic manner by the direct perception realizing it.

The implication is that this part of existence, since it cannot be realized in a non-dualistic way, is always deceptive in appearance, it is false, misleading and illusory.

“Conventional” has now been known for some time to be not correct. Other alternatives provided are “concealer truth”, or “truth for a concealer” and such.

Illusory truth is my personal word choice, with the seal of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, who said this term can be used.  It seems to fit all the parameters given in the texts.

Also, by hearing the term, rather then reaffirming a sense of inherent existence, it reminds of the discrepancy of appearance and existence, and encourages us to question our projections and mental stories.

A personal favorite tongue-in-cheek favorite is “Hollywood truth”.

Definition of the week (6) – View of the transitory collections

View of the transitory collections

An afflicted wisdom grasping at inherent existence upon having focused on the ‘I’ or ‘mine’ in ones own continuum.

Definition Key:
An afflicted wisdom – an afflicted discriminating mental factor; eliminates any primary consciousness as transitory view.
Grasping at inherent existence  – grasping at the object as existing from its own side, not labelled by the imputing mind.
Upon having focused on the ‘I’ or ‘mine’ in ones own continuum – shows that the ‘I’ and ‘mind’ in owns own continuum are the focal object; eliminates the ‘I’ and ‘mine’ in another persons continuum as the focal object of the transitory view.

Initially starting grasping at self by naming ‘I’,    
Then generating attachment for phenomena named ‘mine’.
Praise to whatever becomes compassion for migrators
Traversing without freedom like a bucket in a well.

First Dalai Lama:
Migrators in cyclic existence initially start grasping at a truly existing self by naming ‘I’. Subsequently the view of the transitory collections grasping at ‘mine’ generates attachment for the true existence of phenomena named ‘mine’, such as the eyes. This causes them to traverse in cyclic existence without freedom, like a bucket in a well.

Definition of the Week (5) – Negation

Negation according to the first Dalai Lama Gyalwa Gedun Drub:

That which is realised through direct elimination of its object of negation.

Division: Affirming and non-affirming negation

Non-affirming negation: That which is realised through direct elimination of its object of negation and which doesn’t project another phenomena in place of the object of negation.

E.g., emptiness.

Emptiness has to be the mere negation of inherent existence, because in the non-dual meditative equipoise no illusory conventional phenomenon can appear.

From the Debate between Wisdom and Ignorance by Panchen Chokyi Gyaltsen, Ignorance says to Wisdom:

Focusing on the aggregates one says ‘I’.

Make the mere non-affirming negation [149]
Of true existence of this the object of apprehension.
If then, without weakening strength, but with clear intensity,
Free from mental sinking, excitement and apprehending characteristics,

One is skillful in training in the mode of apprehending, [150]
Where, upon having focused on the aggregates,
My non-existence appears as object,
Then this is is the mode of apprehending antithetical to me.

Then one is able to evict me. [151]
However, this is like a mere daytime star.

Choden Rinpoche, commenting on these lines:

One thinks ‘I’ in dependence on focusing on the aggregates. One eliminates this mode of apprehension in relation to the aggregates, refuting truly existent aggregates, and then one holds that mode of apprehension, the mere lack of true existence, without adding anything. The apprehended object is the mere lack of true existence and one has realized emptiness.

This is then combined with calm abiding, which is free from mental sinking or excitement and endowed with clear intensity. If one finds a person that is skilled in this way, this person can harm true-grasping and can evict true-grasping. But such a person is as rare as a star in daylight.



Definition(s) of the Week (4) – Non-harmfulness, Harmfulness, Cruelty


From the Compendium of Knowledge: What is Non-harmfulness? A compassionate mind that belongs to the family of non-anger, having the function of preventing harming and belittling others.

As such: Patience that, having focused on a suffering sentient being, without any harmful intent wishes it to be free from suffering.

Harmfulness, Cruelty

Definition: Harmfulness is the wish to abuse others, being a consciousness of non-compassion, non-sympathy and non-empathy.

Non-compassion, if one wishes to do the abusing oneself.
Non-sympathy, if one wishes to order another to abuse.
Non-empathy, if one rejoices in the abusing of others.

Harmfulness belongs to the family of anger. It has the function of causing abuse.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche:
“The purpose of our life is not simply to solve our own problems, to gain happiness for ourselves. The purpose of our life is to be of use to others, to benefit other sentient beings, whether it be one or many. However, the real reason we are alive is to free the numberless other sentient beings from suffering and lead them to the unsurpassed happiness of full enlightenment. That is the meaning of our life. Each of us has this universal responsibility to bring the greatest happiness to all sentient beings.

Pause here for a moment, stop reading, and meditate on the feeling of universal responsibility, that if you have compassion for all living beings, each one receives great peace and happiness from you; each one receives no harm. Think, “All this peace and happiness that they experience and enjoy depends upon me.” Think of the reasons for this and meditate on the thought, “I am responsible for all sentient beings’ peace and happiness.” It would be wonderful if you could practice mindfulness of this in your everyday life.”

Definition of the Week (3) – Definition of Emptiness

Definition of Emptiness:

The mere non-affirming negation of inherent existence.

“Mere” because if one takes away more than inherent existence one  falls into the extreme of nihilism, and if one takes away less than inherent existence one falls into the extreme of eternalism.

Panchen Losang Choki Gyaltsan:

The reflection of illusory appearance arises
Within the mirror of the empty mind.    
Since it has no existence beyond mere appearance,
There is no place for true-grasping to remain.

Emptiness is divided relative to the basis into the selflessness of person and the selflessness of phenomena.

To liberate migrators his selflessness was taught in two aspects,
Dividing it according to phenomena and person.

Definition of the Week (2) – Definition of Consciousness

The definition of consciousness is clear and knowing.

Clear refers to the ability of consciousness to arise in the aspect of the object.

Knowing refers to the primary arising of consciousness in the aspect of the object, i.e., the apprehension of the object.

Awareness, consciousness and knower are synonymous.